The Joy of Leaving Your Sh*t All Over the Place

The Joy of Leaving Your Sh*t All Over the Place: The Art of Being MessyThe Joy of Leaving Your Sh*t All Over the Place: The Art of Being Messy by Jennifer McCartney

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A short and wickedly funny book that pokes fun at all the books on decluttering, especially “The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.” Now I don’t need any help being messy. Right now just about all the dishes I own are on the counter waiting to be washed (no I don’t have a dishwasher…) In fact, I have a magnet on my refrigerator with the words laundry, dishes, cleaning, ironing, etc. and in the middle in bold it says “Just Say No.” I’ve worked hard for 60 years to accumulate what I have, including at least 9 floor to ceiling book cases full of books. So here’s a philosophy that I whole-heartedly endorse!

Book description (from back cover): We are being brainwashed into thinking that there is some life-changing magic to be had by throwing out our belongings. It doesn’t work. With this book, learn to break free from the bonds of tidiness and triumph over the boring forces of uniformity and predictability. You’re born messy and you die messy, but someplace in between you get bullied into believing that you should be neat and organized. This is wrong. No one likes tidy people. They’re uptight. Messy people (you) are awesome. You would never let the threat of clutter stop you from any purchase. So buy this book and leave it wherever you want.